Middle East Truths

Alternate views from an American citizen.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Will Israel Do Now That the World Knows the Truth

You know, it has been forever since I wrote anything about this conflict. As you can see, I wrote quite extensively on the Israeli-Palestinian situation and even visited Palestine to see the truth for myself. What I saw made me an avid supporter of the Palestinian cause, because everything we as Americans, as well as other nationalities, are told is lies. That is correct. LIES! Because of the powerful Israeli lobbies that have bought and paid for the US congress and the fact the 3 or 5 of the major news agencies in the US are owned by Jewish owners, the truth is something that rarely appears in the US media, especially in articles relating to the Palestinians, Muslims, or Arabs as a whole.

After writing about what I had seen, what was transpiring, the theft of land, the abuse of Palestinian civilians and even American tourists, the roadblocks, the searches, the invasions of homes, schools and businesses to destroy and demolish all items inside and out and claim that nothing involving terrorism was ever found or ever existed. I personally walked through a day care center after the Israeli army destroyed it claiming it was used for terror purposes. Computers smashed, crayons and paint dumped on the floor, desks and tables smashed, doors demolished, all a clever ruse to destroy the will of any Palestinian to continue to live under such circumstances and to submit their children to such humiliation and devastation, so that they will leave. Once they leave, Israel could say the land wasn’t occupied by Palestinians and they could steal it.

Now we have an American government that may actually look at the truth, acknowledge the truth, let everyone know he knows the truth, and makes Israel accept the truth. The truth is that Israel was given land by Britain that Britain did not own. They may have occupied it after World War II but it was not their land to give away. The Arab community fully opposed it but accepted it. After all, the truth is, when Jewish emigrants were turned away from every countries port, including New York, the Palestinians gave them land to live on and accepted them as the brothers they thought they were. But the Israeli’s weren’t happy with the 1948 borders so they stole more land from the Palestinians. They used groups like the Stern Gang and other terrorist organizations to intimidate and kill Palestinians until the Jews were able to steal land up to the pre-1968 borders. Then given the opportunity and American intelligence, they attacked Egypt, Jordan and Syria, occupied Jerusalem and has been stealing land and building settlements ever since.

As you can see, religion never entered into this history of facts, because no matter how much Israel would like you to believe this is a war of religion, this is a war of east and west, this is another crusade to free Jerusalem from Islam, in fact, it is just a bunch of people trying to steal other peoples land. Nothing more, nothing less. You can claim it is Jihad, you can claim it is Islamic fundamentalism, you can even claim, like W Bush that it is Islamic Fascism, but it is no different than any other forced relocation of people throughout history by a superior power who wishes to steal their land, water and resources. That is all there is to it.

Now that we know Obama knows the truth, now that most Americans know the truth, now that most of the world knows the truth, what will Israel and Jews as a whole do now that the world knows the truth.