Israel has been at it again.
In today’s report on niacINsight, a web page dedicated to representing Iranian-Americans, quotes Reuters as saying Mohamed ElBaradei, in an interview, says Iran is not close to a bomb, does not have the ability to produce a bomb, has not indicated it is trying to create a bomb.
Are you getting the point?
In the last 60 years, Israel has blamed everyone, but themselves, for the situation they are in. The holocaust was truly a tragedy and the Jewish people (not Israeli’s) suffered terribly and they were horrendous victims of unfathomable pain, torment and death. No one can honestly deny that. However, every second, every hour, every day, every ongoing year after year, Israel has cried wolf, has screamed the sky was falling, wailing that the only place a Jewish person is safe is in a Jewish homeland, yet starting from day one of their occupation of Palestine, they have used groups such as the Stern gang and the Irgoon to terrorize Palestinians into moving, giving up land, bombing of their buildings and killing of innocent women and children, and that was 50 years ago.
In the 70’s it was every Arab country in the world who wanted to push them off the map. Crying deeply and loudly enough that not only did the US provide equipment, intelligence and ammunition to Israel, trained American pilots flew Israeli jets and supported the poor victim, Israel,
Since then it has been the PLO, now they are friends, next it was Islamic Jihad and various other groups. Then Hezbollah, next Hamas, we were told that every Palestinian man, woman and child were suicide bombers, to the point where we have allowed them to jail over 10,000 Palestinians with no trials, no evidence, including over 100 children under the age of 15.
Now that the world knows the truth about all those groups that the Israeli’s hated and we now know that they just are not the huge threat that the 4th largest nuclear power in the world has tried to convince us they are. Now the huge threat is Iran. Now we have all the spin, all the hype, all the same old same old Israeli tactics that quite frankly are getting a little stale.
No longer do we believe the garbage that Israel puts out. No longer do we support our government supporting the apartheid, racist regime, that Israel has become, so much so that their poster boys are Avigdor Lieberman and Benjamin Netanyahu. An avowed racist and a war criminal. This is the face of Israel, and we in America are now wondering, what in the hell did our government create. Like the monster in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan has risen to bite the hand that fed it, so too will the denizens of hatred, the two-faced, back-biting, government we call Israel.
Already Americans have been confronted with Israeli’s burning American flags, insulting the American President by referring to him with a long hated slur to Black Americans, by throwing our partnership into the fire, because we won’t let them steal land, kill innocent people and commit genocide. What are we in America fighting for in this war on terror if what we support is worse than that which we are fighting against?
The time has come for Israel to be treated like South Africa, Zimbabwe and other countries who have or still do espouse a racist and apartheid mentality. The time has come… The time has come…
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