It seems Israel has been playing the victim card for over 62 years now. Since the end of World War II and the reports of the Holocaust, Israeli's have been crying a river of tears, telling the world, how everyone hates them, everyone is anti-Semitic, everyone is out to get them and that nowhere in the world can a Jew be safe but in a state specifically made for Jews. Every report, every news story, every word from the mouthpieces that Israel uses to pour forth its message of "woe is me", is just another attempt to deflect attention from the truth.
I wrote in an opinion article a couple weeks ago, that the tide was changing in international perception regarding the occupation that is occurring in Palestine, and that Israel was risking the same isolation and persecution they experienced in Europe at the turn of last century. At that time, I clearly stated that Israel needs to wipe it's nose, wash it's hands and come clean about what has and is occurring in the West Bank and Gaza. As more and more people find out the truth of what is truly happening, larger and larger groups are boycotting, protesting, and speaking out against what is the most segregated, apartheid, discriminatory, abusive government since South Africa. The more the Israeli's whine about being the victim, the more the whole world sees that we are dealing with a gang of spoiled children, who have been able to cry wolf for over 60 years, regurgitate the story of the Holocaust and hope we all feel sorry for them and allow them free reign to commit human rights abuses, extra-judicial assassinations, abductions, strip searches of young girls, and other atrocities that should cause them to be considered a world pariah. They have played the victim card so well that it is even ILLEGAL to mention the Holocaust was a fraud in many countries in Europe. So much for democracy and free speech in Europe.
If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny listening to Ehud Ohlmert tell the world about the "atrocities" Hamas committed in Gaza. Let me remind Mr Ohlmert about Mohammad Sallah, who through pictures, documented his arrest, strip search, and gangland style execution on the streets, by Israeli soldiers shooting him in the back of the head while his hands were tied behind his back. Let me remind Mr Ohlmert of Du'a Abd al Qadr, a 13 year old Palestinian girl in the West Bank, who, while I was in Bethlehem in 2006, was used as target practice by an Israeli sniper because she was playing to close to the wall. Let me remind Mr Ohlmert that on September 29, 2000, Mohammed Al Dura, a little 12-year-old boy in Gaza was murdered by an Israeli sniper, and caught on video. Let me remind Mr Ohlmert of the 17 Palestinians killed during the Beit Hanoun massacre, where artillery shells were fired into residential areas, killing innocent children. Let me remind Mr Ohlmert of the family murdered on the beach in Gaza because it's warships were practicing their fire by targeting on children. Let me remind Mr Ohlmert of the almost 50 children under 14, held by Israeli's in prison and routinely tortured. Let us also remind Mr Ohlmert of an American girl, Rachel Corrie, who was murdered by an Israeli soldier in a bulldozer, in one of the most brutal and cowardly acts ever committed, by smashing her lifeless body into the ground and running back and forth over it. These truly are "atrocities" and Mr Ohlmert would do better to clean the garbage out of his own closet, before he tried to expose someone elses.
As I sit and listen to the ADL slam the Methodist church for recommending it's member divest from any businesses associated with the Israeli government, as I listen to AIPAC whine about the British education and labor boycotts against Israel, as I listen to the same old anti-Semitic, Jew hating, Nazi loving, Holocaust denying, name calling commonly used by Israel to prove that everyone in the world is out to get them, I am reminded of the ever-building boycott of South Africa that caused a change in that country. I often wonder if the South African whites had been able to play the Holocaust card, to play the victim card, would they also still be in power? It is working for Israel.
As the world continues to listen to the world's greatest victims, let us remember, we are talking about the 4
th largest nuclear power in the world that is backed up by the world's largest nuclear power.
We are talking about one of only a few countries that have their own nuclear missile subs.
We are talking about a country that receives more money from the
US than the entire starving and aids stricken continent of
We are talking about a country that has the best fighters, bombers, jets, stealth aircraft, the world's best and "smartest" bombs, the worlds best tanks, the world's best armed soldiers, the worlds best naval equipment and they are backed up by the worlds only hyper-power, utilizing US intelligence, satellites, expertise and training and we are supposed to feel obligated to support their murderous acts because a rocket, from Gaza fell in an empty field somewhere and blew up.
We are supposed to believe that
Israel with all its might, is threatened at all by the Palestinians who have no army, no resources, no military supplies, no tanks, no aircraft, and has no support from any of the world's most influential countries, the UN or even the backing of the majority of their Arab neighbors.
Israel, with all it's might, is a "victim" to a bunch of starving people, 85% who live in poverty, 80% of all Palestinian children go to bed hungry every night, unemployment is above 60%, and they are fenced in, walled in, humiliated and forced to beg to be treated as human beings and not as animals.
Who are the victims and who are the terrorists?
This truly is a world upside down. Where Jews who were deported, fenced in, and exterminated, will now deport, fence in and exterminate another peoples while the US supports the types of atrocities and destruction of a culture that caused them to support the creation of the Israeli state to protect the Jews. How do we justify the destruction of a civilization to support the ideology that we are protecting another culture? How do we justify the bombing and assassinations of innocent children, because at one time, innocent people were gassed? Israel has used its powerful lobbies in Washington, its control of American media, and the pity of the world, to become the worlds most out of control regime and to portray themselves as the world's biggest "victims"..
The time has come for the world to recognize the end of Israel's claim to being victims. The only thing Israel is a victim of is their own failure to recognize that they have become the evil that at one time tried to exterminate them. The IOF is no different from the Gestapo and the undercover Mossad agents and their extra-judicial assassinations are no different than Hitler's SS. If there every truly was a story of David and Goliath, this is it, except Israel is now Goliath and they are now the master and not the slave of a new Holocaust.
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