Middle East Truths

Alternate views from an American citizen.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Educational TV, the Discovery of Propaganda

As the pressure on Israel continues to ratchet up around the world, the Zionist organizations and backers are finding new ways to brainwash Americans into "their" way of thinking. I slowly but surely started to see a different approach to programming on the Discovery based television channels about a year ago. However, as time as passed by, my suspicions have been turned to nothing but fact. The Discovery Network of channels (TLC, History, History International, Science channel etc…) ownership consists of four shareholders: Discovery Holding Company (NASDAQ: DISCA, DISCB), Cox Communications, Inc., Advance/Newhouse Communications and John S. Hendricks, the Company's Founder and Chairman. After News Corps purchase of Photobucket yesterday, whom they were having difficulties with, it seems apparent that those organizations that can't be bought off, can be bought. It looks like Discovery Communications was one that was bought off.

I guess the first things I started noticing were the episodes of the Naked Archeologist. In reality the show should be called the Bare-faced Liar. In virtually every episode, he tramples historical, archeological and anthropological fact, in an attempt to distort everything to fit "Jewish" history. He even went as far as to prove to the world that he had found the grave of Jesus (pbuh), whom Christians believe was resurrected and therefore no body COULD exist. Now, you tell me, based on history, if someone found a ossuary labeled Jesus, son of Joseph, in the early 1970's, don't you think it would have attracted someone's attention. It took, the Bare-faced Liar, 30 years to find this ossuary and miraculously he now has now proven that Christianity is a farce religion (and you thought they only hated Muslims). In one episode he went as far as to harass and torment an archeologist by saying why are you archeologists so afraid of admitting that the bible is absolute truth." And the Israeli archeologist simply replied, that is because we deal with facts.

Discovery has not even missed the opportunity to influence the DIY audience as well. I thought I had seen it all when I saw an advertisement for their show, "Shalom in the Home". I must say, I haven't the stomach to sit and watch it, but I can only imagine what type of money puts a show on the air that less than 1% of people would watch, and yet it has not yet been canceled. Any other show with a target audience of less than 1% would never make it to air, much less stay on.

In addition, I started noticing, when Iraq war bills were up for a vote in congress, or when the President wanted to apply a new "strategy" in Iraq, all these documentaries on how bad Iraq was started showing up, "The Ace in the Hole" about the "brave" capture of Saddam Hussein, or "War Detectives" where they find a couple hundred bodies buried in the sand and claimed it was a war crime massacre (the world would be lucky if the US only left a couple hundred dead bodies behind, instead we have left a couple hundred thousand). Then we got to watch the "Raid on Baghdad" showing the soldiers, fighting those horrible terrorists who are shouting "Allahu Akbar" and doing something crazy, like praising God and defending their homes. Hey, I thought those were American values. This list goes on and on.

However, I think the thing that caught my attention most was the show on Iran last night entitled "Iran, the next Iraq?". I thought, ok, well, maybe they will compare the mistakes in Iraq to the same ones that will happen in Iran. I couldn't have been any further from the truth. I think the first couple minutes and the last couple minutes of the show kind of sum it up. In the beginning, a so-called "expert" made the comment – "you know, Iran, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Al Qaeda, they are all one group." Of course, those who are educated know just how stupid that statement is, however, your average teenager, young adult, or any other gullible person, would just assume that is fact. After all, it is educational TV. At the end of the show, the narrator made the comment that Iran, through it's surrogate, Hezbollah, FORCED Israel into a war in the summer of 2006. You know, if it wasn't so tragic, that now you have to block the educational channels for fear your child will be brainwashed, it would be funny. But it is not.

This is how the machine works. This is how the propaganda ministers spew forth their garbage. This is how they infiltrate our schools, our systems, our government, and we are brainwashed into believing that if someone repeats something over and over, then it is the truth. Zionists learned very well from their Nazi captors, as they have created, in their own country, a system of Nazi youth, brainwashed from birth and forced to serve in the military. They are now exporting their brand of "education" to encompass American children, to believe that fighting and dying in Afghanistan, Iraq or Iran is for the benefit of Israel is somehow to their benefit. Nothing could be further from the truth. Israel has led us down a path of foreign policy disaster. Who do you think taught us checkpoints, targeted assassinations, extraordinary rendition, torture, and illegal incarceration. All these items were tried and tested by American troops trained in Israel, while abusing Palestinians. This taught them how to murder, rape and torture Afghans and Iraqis. And what have we gotten for our efforts, the same occupation, hatred, anger, terrorism, and dead soldiers that the Israeli's have had for forty years.

I am not advocating a ban of the Discovery channel as I have watched some great documentaries on Eastern philosophy, machines of the ancient world and other great show (I love The Deadliest Catch), however, I would definitely keep an open mind about what you are watching and make sure, like regular TV, you keep an eye on what your children are exposed to on the Discovery Communications networks.


At 5:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Discovery Communications does not own the History Channel home of the show "The Naked Archeologist".

History Channel is owned by A&E networks. Get your facts straight.


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