Middle East Truths

Alternate views from an American citizen.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Qana - War Crimes Take 2

Qana - War Crimes Category: News and Politics
I have to admit that usually, when I write, I am triggered by something, but I am not angry, just get the facts and write. I pride myself on not just being part of the discourse of misinformation and propaganda, but I choose to fight my battles with the facts. Well today is different, I am fucking pissed. I have continued to write day after day about the ongoing abuses of the Israeli military with American support, and I just wrote 3 days ago about the Israeli targeted killings of civilians at different times in history. It was painful to me to go back and review all the facts surrounding the initial massacre at Qana in 1996. Dead, burnt, mutiliated bodies of children, the same size children as the ones who run up and down the street in front of my house everyday. Do you know how hard it is to have a conscience and look at those dead children and know that they are someone's child, someone struggled through labor to deliver these children, somebody put their heart and soul into raising these children, someone loved these children with all their being, and Israel killed them without remorse. Squashed their life as if they had no more value than an ant on the ground of a fly in the air. And then, 10 years later, the Israeli's did the same thing again at the same place. Israel deliberately targeted an area that they knew contained civilians. And let us not act as though this is a suprise. Israel continues to fire artillery shells into crowded, residential areas in Gaza. They continue to target and assassinate individuals with no concern for collateral damage. They continue to prosecute an attack on the civilian infrastructure of Lebanon. All of these items have been declared as crimes against humanity. Israel and the United States will suffer through many years of ongoing terror attacks as a result of their actions. What else can you do with two powers like the US and Israel? They have the ability through their military to do whatever they want, but they can not protect every civilian, all the time. And the retribution for the war crimes committed by these countries will take a very large toll, a very large toll indeed. So if anyone believes that Israel and the United States are making their countries safer by these types of actions, they could not be farther from the truth. They say that the pen is mightier than the sword, but at this time, I would gladly put down my pen.


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