Middle East Truths

Alternate views from an American citizen.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Israel and the UN at War

Israel and the UN at war.

It seems that after the continued bombing of UN positions, Israel has taken the position that the UN can NOT be part of any peacekeeping effort in Lebanon and that they will not allow the UN to be part of any probe into the bombings. Israel is once again, trying to dictate world decisions from their little sliver of land on the Mediterranean. As I have said in previous blogs, when you have a violent, militaristic, uncontrolled power in one part of the world, with all the weapons the US can provide, they develop the mentality that they don’t have to abide by the rules of the civilized world. The real problem is that there is no counter-weight to Israel in the region. The UN is the governing body, decided by the world, to settle these types of disputes, and Israel has unilaterally dismissed them as a non-player, just as they have dismissed all the UN resolutions regarding land theft, genocide, deportation, theft of resources, etc... As a result, and as I have said in previous blogs, Israel is going to drag the region and the world into a wider conflict. They are pursuing their own crusade against Islam and by engaging the world, knowing that the US will back them, they are precipitating a crisis. Fighters from Islamic countries all over the world are now flocking to Lebanon. Is it because the Muslims hate the Jews? NO. It is because Israel has taken this opportunity to apply excessive, outrageous force in a situation that easily could have been handled diplomatically. How did America react when exactly this thing happened to Britain in World War II? Initially, American volunteers went to fight for Britain, we rallied around our ally, and refused to allow a foreign power to over run it. That is exactly what Arab countries (or those Arab countries that actually have testicles) are doing now. Radical Muslims are now planning attacks on western interests and Al-Qaeda is now calling for a global war. Once again, our policies regarding Israel will lead to the death of American civilians, it is inevitable. In addition, it was bad enough that we have allowed the Israeli’s to commit genocide on the Palestinian peoples, then it was terrible that we invaded Afghanistan, captured all those people, moved them to Cuba, only for our Supreme Court to say, hey guys, you can’t do that. Then we invaded Iraq, killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in two separate wars. Then we failed to provide security, raped, tortured and humiliated the Iraqi people. And now we are allowing Israel the freedom to attack UN positions and kill hundreds if not thousands of innocent women and children. If Israel would have been on the receiving side instead of the giving side, the US would already have been there dropping bombs in Israel’s defense. Why are Jewish lives more valuable than Muslim or Christian lives, because in Beirut, Israel doesn’t care who they kill? Where are all our right wing Christian advocates now? They are in Washington with their heads up George Bush’s ass and ignoring their brothers in Jesus and abandoning them to Israeli aggression.

This will be a real test for the UN. Will it continue to sit idly by and allow Israel the ability to dictate what happens in the Middle East, in the United States and in the United Nations? If the United Nations does not stand up to Israel at this point, demand the withdraw of their troops from Lebanon, demand to be part of the probe into the bombings and force a solution in the case of the Palestinians, then the United Nations is as impotent as the League of Nations and is a defunct organization that is simply the mouthpiece of western governments and should therefore be boycotted by the remainder of the countries in the world. When the Security Council sits down to talk, and the United States and Britain are the only two at the table, then I think the message will come through loud and clear. And when the UN is defunct, then all of its resolutions, nuclear monitoring, sanctions, etc… go out the window. At which time, we will be able to thank Israel for plunging the world back into the dark ages.


At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You´r right. Israeli people have learned very well of their master Hitler. And Bush and his acolytes did too from their father Adolf.


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